How to completely disable suspend?

Josef Wolf jw at
Sun Jan 17 13:10:52 UTC 2010

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 11:02:20AM +0100, Xandros Pilosa wrote:
> Dne 15.01.2010 (pet) ob 21:54 +0100 je Josef Wolf zapisal(a):
> [snip]
> > I have one more questions, though: I refer to configure my systems on
> > command line (via a system similar to cfengine), so I used gconftool
> > to set the values. But contrary to gconf-editor, 
> By default gconf-editor, according to [1], should write to ~/.gconf when
> invoked as a regular User, thus setting should be valid just for that
> user too.
> > gconftool don't seem
> > to have the possibility to make a setting default/mandatory for all users.
> > 
> > What am I missing?
> >From [1]:
> <quote>
> ...
> GConf looks for each value in a series of storage locations called
> configuration sources.
> ...
> By default, GConf comes configured as follows:
> xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory
>    include "$(HOME)/.gconf.path"
>    xml:readwrite:$(HOME)/.gconf
>    xml:readonly:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults
> If a value is set in the first source, which is read only, then users
> can't delete that value, and thus can't set a value of their own. These
> settings become mandatory for all users.
> </quote>
> So I think, we would have to specify the source to
> /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory to do what you want.

Ah, I see now how it works...

> With gconf-editor we can accomplish this by starting gconf-editor with
> root privileges (gksu) and then by selecting the source with File -->
> New Mandatory Window.
> How to do this with gconftool,
> you may refer gnome/help/system-admin-guide/C/system-admin-guide, [2]
> and search for some more examples.
> Please note (in case you don't know it already) using --direct, together
> with --config-source= option in your case, requires stopping the gconf
> daemon (gconfd-2).

Well, this sounds somewhat contradictory: gconf-editor seems to be able to
change mandatory/default values without shutting down gconfd. After all,
gconf-editor requires the user to be logged in since it needs the GUI.

Since I configure my systems automatically, shutting down or logging out
users is not an option for me.

Is it really necessary to shut down gconfd? What would happen if it is not
shut down? I guess the only drawback would be that the changes would be
available only after the user logs out and logs in again. But that would
be perfectly OK for my use case. Are any other drawbacks to be expected?
Maybe gconfd can be signaled to re-read the databases?

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