Re Beginner Q3: Is there a way of permanently unlocking the keyring?

Terry Ehrhart tehrhart at
Sun Jan 17 12:09:59 UTC 2010

Message: 9
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 18:30:36 +0900
From: Thomas Blasejewicz <thomas at>
Subject: Beginner Q3: Is there a way of permanently unlocking the
To: ubuntu-users at
Message-ID: <4B52D8BC.50505 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP
Good evening
I have set "system - administration - login" to automatically login.
Yet, every time I start the computer I am asked to "unlock the keyring".
Searching the official documentation I could not find anything.
Somewhere in a forum someone asked the same question and received the
answer: that (the request to unlock the keyring) is perfectly normal.
Somewhere else I found:
In addition, if the keyring is locked, the user may be prompted to
unlock it via standard gnome-keyring mechanisms."
Fine, but it does not say how to do that.
Can someone please enlighten me as to how to do that?
In fact, I would prefer NOT to be asked for my password at all (at least
for some time)->
I am trying to get friendly with Linux. For that purpose - experiments
ONLY - I use a notebook PC I bought second hand. I am the only person
using this computer and even if it would explode, it would not affect my
work or anything else. So, for the moment security etc. is fine - but
In this situation is is at best annoying to be forced constantly to
verify to myself that I am me.
(in a medical setting this would probably be called a personality disorder)
Try this site, it answered my question about keyring resetting.

Terry Ehrhart
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