Will this laptop be compatible with Ubuntu?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 14 14:25:25 UTC 2010

2010/1/14 Gilles Gravier <ggravier at fsfe.org>:
> Hi!
> On 14/01/2010 13:51, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Write to Toshiba and ask them. If we don't show an interest in
>> Linux-compatible hardware, how can we expect the manufactures to make
>> it available?
>> He is the appropriate contact form:
>> http://www.tacp.toshiba.com/customersupport/contact.asp
>> --
>> Dotan Cohen
>> http://what-is-what.com
>> http://gibberish.co.il
> Interesting method... but will not yield the desired outcome.
> Yes, you will tell Toshiba that you want them to look at Linux.
> But it won't answer the original question. Toshiba's answer will be "we
> value your interest in our products, but this is not a supported
> operating system"... regardless of if it works... or not... :(

I think the point is that if enough people ask the question it may
eventually have some effect, though agreed it will likely not answer
the OP's question.


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