Clam AV update in Hardy Heron 8.04

Stifan Kristi sugizo at
Wed Jan 13 06:51:35 UTC 2010

Stifan Kristi wrote:
> RobertHoltzman wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 06:43:42PM -0800, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 01/12/2010 12:44 PM, Rafiq Hajat wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I've installed Clam Anti virus on 8.04 purely to clean up my Flashdisk
>>>> which get a whole load of viruses every time I plug it into the PC at
>>>> the Radio station where I do a weekly jazz/blues program. I am a little
>>>> peeved to find that I cannot update the virus def through the GUI - I
>>>> get this message:
>>>> "You must be root to install updates".
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> Flames may abound after this... but I've found bitdefender (linux)
>>> considerably better than clam AV:
>>> <>
>> The thing I liked about bitdefender was that it could quarantine an
>> individual infected message from an mbox file as opposed to clam that
>> quarantines the entire file.
>> The thing(s) I didn't like was the fact that it crashed with an over
>> temp warning if I tried to scan my entire mail directory and that trying
>> to navigate their web site could drive Carrie Nation to drink. 
> Please open your terminal and type :
> sudo freshclam
> Please let me know, if you meet any problem.
> *Stifan Kristi (Kou Shou)* 
> Jakarta, Indonesia
> Email : sugizo at <mailto:sugizo at> 
> *??????**?????**(**??**)* 
> ????????????
> ?????:sugizo at japan <mailto:sugizo at>?com
Bit Defender take more resources memory to run than clam av.
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