.exe (was: Re: ramesh gandhi)

Tim Frost timfrost at xtra.co.nz
Mon Jan 11 08:10:21 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 10:22 +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote: 
> > Alan McKay <alan.mckay at gmail.com> :
> > > 1)Is it possible to install .exe files in Ubuntu? And how?  
> > Not directly.
> You are wrong.
>   $ cat /tmp/test.exe
>   #!/bin/bash
>   echo "Uh, an exe!"
>   $ chmod 755 /tmp/test.exe
>   $ /tmp/text.exe
[ I assume that this should read '/tmp/test.exe' since that is the file
name as it appears elsewhere in this example
>   Uh, an exe!

NOT so.  The '.exe' suffix in the file name is (or may be) significant
to the operating systems that originate in Redmond.  For Linux, the
factors that control how to handle a file are:
1: the executable bit IS set (755 sets this bit for ALL users)
2: Does the file match one of the following signatures:
a: the file signature identifies it as a binary
that this system can execute
b: the file is a script with an interpreter that is
installed on this machine

Since the example matches 2b, with interpreter = /bin/bash, then of
course it will run (as a bash script).

However, it MIGHT NOT  work in a Redmond OS, since those OSes expect the
'.exe' suffix to identify a BINARY program.

A file that meets the Microsoft criterion *might* work under Linux if
the wine package is installed, but that is not guaranteed.

> -- 
>        Architecte Informatique chez Blueline/Gulfsat:
>     Administration Systeme, Recherche & Developpement
>                 +261 34 29 155 34 / +261 33 11 207 36

Tim Frost <timfrost at xtra.co.nz>

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