install error

Todd Cole tcole3737 at
Fri Jan 8 19:10:16 UTC 2010

package: installation-reports

Boot method: <usb known working tested on other systems>
Image version: <>
Date: <01/05/2010>

Machine: <custom ECS 945gct-m ver1>
Processor:inter e2200
Partitions: <sda1 180gb sda2 15gb sda3 2gb linux swap>

Output of unable to:

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [e]
Detect network card:    [e]
Configure network:      [e]
Detect CD:              [e]
Load installer modules: [e]
Detect hard drives:     [e]
Partition hard drives:  [e]
Install base system:    [e]
Clock/timezone setup:   [e]
User/password setup:    [e]
Install tasks:          [e]
Install boot loader:    [e]
Overall install:        [e]

Comments/Problems:computer worked good on 8.04 8.10 9.04 fresh 9.10 install locks on first mouse movement both live usb and
swapped 9.10 64 and 9.10 32 working drives worked ok several minutes then locked up on reboot at gnome desktop mouse movement, no user 
logon was used (automatic) retested 9.04 64 ok 9.04 32 worked tested 10.04 failed all pci cards were removed and I used internal video

<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>
Todd Cole
tcole3737 at

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