Editing Gnome for single click

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Fri Jan 8 10:37:12 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 01:44:12AM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2010/1/8 NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net>:
> > On 01/07/2010 12:34 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >>> Open nautilus - Edit|Preferences|Behavior|'Single click to open items' ?
> >>>
> >>
> >> Thanks, Gary, but that is already set. I need single click on all
> >> Gnome functions, for instance in the otherwise terrific gucharmap one
> >> must double-click to select a character. In general, that is bad. But
> >> in my case where I cannot double-click comfortably (disability) it is
> >> a deal-breaker. There are other applications which use Gnome settings,
> >> such as Zim-wiki.
> >
> > gucharmap: I think you mean that you must double-click to add the
> > character to the 'text to copy' bar? Otherwise clicking on any character
> > selects that character. Rather than double-clicking (and I know of no
> > way to get the app to change), use the mouse to drag the character to
> > 'Text to copy'. Not sure if that may be more difficult for you given
> > your disability, but it is an option if you did not know about it.
> >
> Yes, I discovered dragging too. However, the issue is more general
> than just gucharmap, that was an example. In KDE the user can set it
> so that there is no longer a concept of double click, everything is a
> single click.
Even MS Windows can do that, I always switch to that mode when I use
it, *much* more sensible IMHO.  Whoever invented double-click should
be hung, drawn and quartered.

For myself on Gnome (well xfce actually) I configure one of my mouse
buttons to do a 'double click' using xbindkeys and xte.  In my
.xbindkeysrc file I have:-

    "/usr/bin/xte 'mouseup 9' 'mouseclick 1' 'mouseclick 1' &"

This means that on my logitech trackball the 4th button acts as a
double-click of button 1.

Chris Green

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