Confusion about the ubuntu-users mailing list (was Re: Improving tech support)

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Wed Jan 6 09:12:53 UTC 2010

please note' i've cced you directly on this to make sure you see it.

On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 22:04 -0800, Robert Watson wrote:
> The first, major improvement  should be to send these suggestions to
> TECH SUPPORT for UBUNTU  and not to me. Some how my name got inserted
> into a 
> tech support E-mail group.  I have no knowledge or capability to
> assist 
> any of these UBUNTU  users who are coming to me for hel[p[,
> from Robert A Watson

Please be aware, people are not sending these emails directly to you...
they're sending them to the mailing list. Subsequently, everyone who is
subscribed to the mailing list gets a copy... and anybody who thinks
they can address the issue in the message replies to it. The reply gets
propagated to everybody in a similar manner, generating all the emails
you're seeing. you're under no obligation to respond to anything unless
you want to, and nobody expects you to reply 

If you started receiving emails from this list, then it was because you
signed up for it. If you don't want to receive the emails anymore, then
you will need to unsubscribe yourself from the list using the link
posted at the bottom of every single email sent to the list. I left the
one from the message you sent intact below so you can see/use if you

Hope that helps.

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