Copy bad HD to a good HD
Shannon McMackin
smcmackin at
Tue Jan 5 14:55:35 UTC 2010
Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Jan LitwiƱski wrote:
>> G'day Karl,
>> * Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> [100105 14:58] wrote:
>>> Conny Enstrom wrote:
>>>> Karl F. Larsen skrev:
>>>>> I have an old HD that will not boot up and show windows, but
>>>>> does run. I would like to copy as much as possible from the
>>>>> bad to the good HD.
>>>>> First I thought about dd. It looks like $ dd if=/dev/scd
>>>>> of=/media/disk/backup bs=2048 conv=notrunc and it looks like
>>>>> it might work.
>>>>> I also have condaliza-live latest version on a cd-rom. I am
>>>>> not sure just how to use this.
>>>>> Does anyone have a suggestion on these or other methods to
>>>>> get data off of a bad Hard Drive (HD)?
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> 73 Karl
>>>> If you can't mount it and read it you can use 'testdisk' to copy files.
>>> Where do I find testdisk?
>> Testdisk you can find on the SystenRescueCd
> Very good and thank you. I will look for it on the 9.10 LiveCD.
> 73 Karl
You aren't going to find it on the 9.10 LiveCD. It's part of a project
if you follow the link Jan posted.
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