Thunderbird updates?

Steve Cook yorvik.ubunto at
Tue Jan 5 00:49:00 UTC 2010

On 04/01/10 23:59, Jim Byrnes wrote:
> Steve wrote:
>> On Mon, 04 Jan 2010 22:11:35 -0000,
>> Steve<yorvik.ubunto at> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 04 Jan 2010 21:59:47 -0000, Jim
>>> Byrnes<jf_byrnes at> wrote:
>>>> How are updates to Thunderbird handled in Ubuntu?
>>>> I see that version 3 is out but don't see it in the package
>>>> manager and the automatic updates is greyed out in
>>>> preferences.
>>>> Thanks,  Jim
>>> It goes by it’s code name 'shredder'
> I searched the Synaptic Package Manager for "shredder" but didn't
> find anything, or maybe that's not whay you meant.
Sorry, I just checked on a machine with the standard repos and it’s not
I could of sworn blind I originally down loaded it as that.
>> ...or you cna get the latest builds by adding the ppa, see
> I'm not ready to try the daily builds, as far as I know Thunderbird 3
> is an offical release.
> Regards,  Jim

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