Flash sound crashes

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 4 15:57:59 UTC 2010

Michael Haney wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Leonard Chatagnier
> <lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net>  wrote:
>> Michael Haney wrote:
>>> I have essentially the same problem.  It happened once so far and all
>>> I had to do was restart Firefox and it was ok.  I am having a new
>>> issue though.  When I shutdown Firefox it leaves an orphaned process
>>> behind and prevents me from starting a new instance of the browser
>>> until I manually kill the process left behind.
>>> Other than these two strange quirks I haven't had much trouble with Ubuntu.
>>> Well, there is one.  I can't get Ubuntu to stay in 1024x768.  It boots
>>> into 800x600 spanning the desktop to 1024x768 and I have to use the
>>> Nvidia Control Panel to change the resolution and it won't write the
>>> settings to xorg.conf even if I run the Nvidia CP as root.
>>> I'm hoping in 10.04 a lot of these issues will be resolved because
>>> stuff like this should have been found during the beta test phase.
>>> Perhaps if Ubuntu went to a once a year update cycle there would be
>>> more beta test time available.
>> Have you tried nvidia-settings and/or nvidia-xconfig from the cli and
>> using sudo?
> That is the nvidia-setings application I am using.  When I run it
> using sudo or gksudo I get the message that it can't parse xorg.conf
> when I try to get it to save settings.
Ok. Do you actually have an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/?  If not, 
running nvidia-xconfig will create one and may fix your issue or maybe 
not.  I found using nvidia-settings troublesome and I believe there is
a bug involved but could be wrong. Running nvidia-xconfig then fixed me 
up. It's possible you may be doing something wrong in using 
nvidia-settings as it's kinda tricky to use, was for me.  So try 
nvidia-xconfig if you haven't yet.

lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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