CHomium and PDF files
iodine at
Mon Jan 4 13:55:39 UTC 2010
David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) wrote:
> Odd wrote:
>> Alain Muls wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I would like chromium to open a PDF link in acroread or evince (embedded
>>> or not in the browser), but currently chromium opens a PDF link in its
>>> web-based PDF viewer. How can I change this behaviour?
>> I assume you mean Chrome, not Chromium. Chromium is Google's
>> OS, Chrome is their browser. Anyway, it does not seem like you
>> can change this behaviour, from what I can see. Better take it up
>> with Google, they are fairly receptive to suggestions.
> Chromium is the OpenSource Chrome browser on which Google Chrome is
> based.
Right you are. It's confusing that they haven't used better names
to distinguish the OS, browser and browser engine. The browser itself
is called Chrome. The OS is called Chrome OS. Silly.
> Would also like to know the answer to this question, as my
> Chromium doesn't deal with PDF files very well.
I searched their Chrome forums, and a few people asked for the
same. But there is no opportunity for sending PDFs to other
programs as of now. I have a feeling they will implement it one
day, as it is one area that Chrome is subpar.
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