daily backup (was: Best Application to Backup / Restore Entire Ubuntu System ?)

Christian Schult cschult at gmx.de
Sat Jan 2 21:40:17 UTC 2010

Hello Jatin,

Jatin wrote:

> Thanks Everyone who have responded with valuable inputs. I wanted to 
> know one more thing as well. In ubuntu all the user related data is 
> stored in the /home folder. If i want to take backup of all the files in 
> this folder and all its sub-folders on a daily basis is it possible to 
> do using the applications that have been suggested so far. If not please 
> let me know which one should i use.

I use rsnapshot for daily and weekly incremental (last 4 weeks) cron scheduled
backups to a second harddisc. These backups are copied to several USB-Disks
from time to time.

>From apt-cache show rsnapshot:

Description: local and remote filesystem snapshot utility
 rsnapshot is an rsync-based filesystem snapshot utility. It can take
 incremental backups of local and remote filesystems for any number of
 machines. rsnapshot makes extensive use of hard links, so disk space is
 only used when absolutely necessary.
 Homepage: http://www.rsnapshot.org/


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