Anacron killed on resume - how to fix it? ACPI setup?

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Sat Jan 2 17:42:18 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 17:16 +0000, Chris G wrote:
> I recently started using suspend/resume on my desktop when shutting it
> down for short periods, or sometimes even when shutting it down for
> longer periods, as it's so much faster to resume than doing a full
> power-up. 
> However, when I resume anacron gets killed because for some reason the
> resume scripts think my system is a laptop (which it isn't) and they
> kill anacron to save power.  Doing a standard start-up from power off
> anacron isn't killed.
> I've done some searches and there are a couple of reports of this bug
> but no really reasonable workaround.  Can anyone suggest any sensible
> way around this problem?

I'm not sure I understand. Laptops need anacron - it shouldn't be
getting killed on resume... What makes you think that's happening?
It usually sleeps for five minutes or so after startup to prevent trying
to do too many things at once.

I do know the output on screen can be misleading as sometimes things
killed on the way down don't get printed to the screen on the way up.

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