How to add EXIF dates to scanned photos or negative JPGs [SOLVED]
Kim Briggs
patiodragon at
Sat Jan 2 02:58:06 UTC 2010
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Brian McKee <brian.mckee at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-12-31 at 14:08 -0500, Kim Briggs wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I am posting a link to a script I came up with to add Exif meta-data
>> to JPG files. Constructive criticism
>> welcomed.
> Hi Kim
> Couple of things I noticed... (I'm not a programmer, but have hacked up
> a few lousy perl scripts before)
> Perl scripts should always 'use strict' It can seem like a pain
> cleaning up all the complaints it makes when you start, but in the long
> run it really saves aggravation and time. For instance, it would have
> pointed out you didn't define my_website anywhere before you used it :-)
> Since strict makes you declare variables with 'my' I changed your
> variable names - my my_date looks weird :-)
> You need the 'glob' function to get a list of files across platforms.
> I haven't tested this particular script on anything but Karmic.
> No need to add a variable to a string to print it - just put the
> variable inside the double quotes
> I looped the repeated calls to set attributes, should make
> adding/changing easier.
> Quoting stuff to 'system' to get it to handle things like file names
> with spaces is a pain - what I did works but I'm sure there's a better
> way.
> You should add a license of some sort - there was a recent link on the
> list to some examples.
> I ran it thru perltidy to get indenting going. Helps keep it readable.
> As you point out, there's lots of error checking should be done here -
> e.g. is the file a jpeg before we try and change it? - but I haven't
> done any work on that.
> Hope you find this constructive.
This is very cool. I will try to learn it and add it to the website
version when I understand each part. Thanks!
Here is a question... I went to the Ubuntu Users Archive and got this
kind of a page:
and didn't find a way to search. How do I search the archive for the
license discussions?
Do you really put a license with a text file that has 1 loop in it!?
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