Non Ubuntu question

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Sun Feb 28 17:19:40 UTC 2010

On Saturday 27 February 2010 6:43:47 pm John Heinen wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm sorry but when you dump your Windows problems on a Linux mailing
> >> list, you are provoking this kind of reactions.
> Strange reply, considering we have WUBI within  Windows/
> install/uninstall. Just wondering

Not such a strange reply; it is like those insurance commercials, easy 
even a cave man ...  Well, WUBI makes a Ubuntu installation so easy even a 
windoze user can do it!!  ;) 

A lot of Ubuntu users never used windoze but came from a Amiga or Mac or even 
C=64s, all of which are a better working OS than windoze, and get tired of 
all the time having to answer or even read windoze problems.  It is a serious 
waste of time for a Ubuntu user so they sometime get testy.  It amounts here 
to well over half the traffic and it really is not a windoze list contrary to 
all appearances!!  This one however was done in a lot better way in that the 
subject line told you in advance that it was NOT a Ubuntu question!!!  Kudos 
to the OP!!

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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