Linux Forums unreachable.

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at
Thu Feb 25 14:28:14 UTC 2010

Ray Parrish wrote:
> Christopher Chan wrote:
>>> Could it be a firewall rule? I have some ports blocked, and have a
>>> blacklist policy in effect, as opposed to white listing traffic.
>> run 'iptables -L -n' and see if there is any rule with Linuxforum's 
>> server's ip in it.
> Hello,
> All I see are the following lins which  do not know the meaning of, but 
> they seem to be in the range of the ip address -
> LSI        all  --     
> LSI        all  --     
> LSI        all  --  
> What does LSI mean?

New to me that. Seems to be Ubuntu specific. Log and Stop Input chain 
apparently. See

However, there is no mention of LSI in nor did a search on;GL:1;DIV:%23336699;VLC:727272;AH:center;BGC:FFFFFF;LBGC:CCCCCC;ALC:4B78AB;LC:4B78AB;T:000000;GFNT:233C55;GIMP:233C55;LH:43;LW:290;L:;S:;FORID:1&hl=en

bring anything up.

However, the page on Firestarter was not too encouraging but I do not 
want to diss the hard work put into making what might well become a very 
good firewalling tool with a gui. It is up to you to decide whether you 
want to keep it on and decipher it/bug developers to make it work for 
you or to disable it and use UFW or build your own rules. I have no idea 
how linuxforum connections have triggered an alert/event to land in the 
LSI chain.

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