Linux Forums unreachable.
Willis Taylor
th1bill at
Thu Feb 25 05:30:29 UTC 2010
ubuntu-users-request at wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Linux Forums unreachable. (Ray Parrish)
> 2. Re: Linux Forums unreachable. (Christopher Chan)
> 3. Re: Linux Forums unreachable. (Ray Parrish)
> 4. Re: OpenOffice update problem (Gryllida)
> 5. Ubuntu (Lloyd Miller)
> 6. Re: OpenOffice update problem (Jim Byrnes)
> 7. problem (prem)
> 8. Re: OpenOffice update problem (Chris Luck)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 17:39:22 -0800
> From: Ray Parrish <crp at>
> Subject: Re: Linux Forums unreachable.
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Message-ID: <4B85D4CA.3030407 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Markus Sch?nhaber wrote:
>> 24.02.2010 02:51, Ray Parrish:
>>> Markus Sch?nhaber wrote:
>>>> That's indeed strange: UDP packets do reach the target, TCP packets don't.
>>>> @Ray: you don't have any packet filter active on your machine or your
>>>> DSL router, do you?
>>> No, but I note that the router portion of it is blocking one specific
>>> web site that does not match I suppose I could remove
>>> that entry, and retry if you think that could be the problem.
>> OK, let's see what we do know:
>> - you can't establish a TCP connection to port 80 at,
>> - the problem is not caused by a DNS failure,
>> - UDP packets do reach,
>> - TCP packets don't
>> In fact, the last point isn't exactly true. All we know is that
>> traceroute -T doesn't receive a response from That
>> could mean that either the probe itself gets thrown away on the server
>> side or that the probe does reach the server but the response to the
>> probe is dropped somewhere.
>> Judging from the above, I can imagine two possible causes of the problem:
>> 1. are - for some reason unknown to me -
>> indeed blocking you (or an IP range which contains the IPs you are
>> assigned) from access to their site.
>> 2. Something at your side (DSL router/computer) is throwing away some
>> network packets thus making it impossible for you to access
>> If 1. is true, there's not much you can do about other than, for
>> example, asking them about the problem via mail or on #linuxforums IRC
>> channel on freenode.
>> If there's another QWest customer in your neighbourhood and you could
>> make them check their access to, that would give a
>> hint too.
>> If 2. is true, you have to find out what exactly it is that blocks
>> communication with
>> What I'd try:
>> - Boot the machine from a LiveCD and check if it makes a difference. If
>> it doesn't, this pretty much rules out your machine as source of the
>> problem.
>> - Change the router's configuration to not block anything and check if
>> it makes a difference.
>> While not exactly helping to find the culprit, it might nevertheless be
>> interesting to see if the problem is specific to port 80. I. e. if you
>> telnet to a different port (21, 53, 443, 8443 for example seem to be
>> open on will a connection be established?
>> Other than that, I don't have any ideas, sorry.
> Hello again,
> I have a dual boot machine, and from Windows XP I can connect to
> easily.
> Here are the non-connecting results of the other ports -
> ray at RaysComputer:~$ telnet 21
> Trying
> ray at RaysComputer:~$ telnet 53
> Trying
> ray at RaysComputer:~$ telnet 443
> Trying
> ray at RaysComputer:~$ telnet 8443
> Trying
> ray at RaysComputer:~$
> I tried to change my settings for the router to remove the one blocked
> web site while in Windows, but it would not load any other pages after
> loading the log in, then the routing table page.
> Something in Ubuntu is blocking me from reaching, and I
> would like some coaching on all of the possible things that can block a
> certain web site from being reached.
> Could it be a firewall rule? I have some ports blocked, and have a
> blacklist policy in effect, as opposed to white listing traffic.
> Thanks, Ray Parrish
I have been having this problem since my last experiment crashed my
system. Still not having found a method to backup and restore my
bookmarks I do it in 1890's fashion. Today I brought up Firefox and
typed in omitting the /forums from the
address and clicked the Forums link in the Nav Box and presto, I was
there. I'm not an Ubuntu Guru but this worked for me and I hope it
works for others.
And here's hoping that the musings of this old fossil doesn't peeve the
experts again.
Bond Servant,
Bill Taylor
Killer Spade 806 CE
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