
Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Thu Feb 25 02:41:40 UTC 2010

Lloyd Miller wrote:
> Ok, I got ubuntu 9.10 installed, everything working perfectly. What 
> I'd like to do, is there a way to send my music files(mp3's) from my 
> winxp config which is on the same drive different partition?   I'm 
> trying to do away with windows comepletely but i'd hate to lose 5 gigs 
> of fabulous music.  Anyone?

Do you have a CD burner? If so, backup your mp3s by burning them to data 
CDs [not music CDs] which will hold about 700 MBs of mp3 files each. You 
can use Brasero to do the burning within Ubuntu, it's on the 
Applications, Sound & Video menu.

You can read, and play the mp3s right from where they are on the Windows 
drive, as Ubuntu reads the Windows file system [NTFS] no problem.

Rythmbox is a good mp3 player which will give you a sorted library 
interface to your collection, even while it's still on the NTFS 
partition. It's on the Applications, Sound & Video menu.

I hope this is the help you needed.

Later, Ray Parrish

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