Kdenlive sound fix wants to remove half my system

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Tue Feb 23 17:56:35 UTC 2010

David Robert Lewis (ethnopunk) wrote:
> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> Can anyone suggestion another way to install or an alternative 
>>> workaround for the bug? I can't find any other video editor that gives 
>>> me what Kdenlive has, and Lives is still buggy.
>> The bug report you quote is over 2 years old, and refers to ubuntu 7.10 
>> which is dead and buried. What ubuntu version are you using ?
>> Chris
> karmic. But I have exactly the same SDL error problem.

My sound used to work great in Hardy. It was scratchy in Karmic. Now its 
kludged yet again. KDEnlinve aborted the rendering of a file and now I 
don't have any sound. Looks like I'm going to have to reinstall 
pulseaudio. Oh dear.

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