Scrolling does not work with Logitech Cordless MouseMan Wheel in Ubuntu Karmic Koala

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Fri Feb 19 22:33:23 UTC 2010

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 22:05:20 -0000, Edgar Gijselaers  
<edgargijselaers at> wrote:

> I'm using Ubuntu Linux 9.10 for two weeks now as a Linux total beginner,
> and I don't seem to get my scroll wheel to work with my Logitech Cordless
> MouseMan Wheel.
> Strange thing is that is has worked two times, but i don't know why it
> suddenly worked and neither why it stopped working again.
> Does anybody know what to check or configure to get this working again?
> Thanks for replying,
> Edgar
Sounds more like a hardware problem to me.  I’d take it to bits and give  
it a clean inside.


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