Real_Grizz_Adams at
Fri Feb 19 14:38:16 UTC 2010
Hi Again
Hope been new here is not a crime?
It has been a long time since I worked with *nix and I had hoped to "come home"
But my install problems have grown since my first unanswered post (see bottom
of this post)
Anyway I went back cleared my External USB drive (moving all data to a safer
place for now) made two partitions one for the data to go back to (after
ubuntu is installed) and one (unalocated) for ubuntu 470Gb and 20Gb
Ran the install again (6 times so far) every time it just stops at a random
point (80%, 97%, 100% ??)
After every try I have to re-do the USB stick (live?) install because as the
system just locks up I guess it gets fritzed
Is ubuntu really this much of a PITA to install? I thought the torture that M$
put me thru was bad but this is on another level, I have had no trouble with
the Live? USB install runs a dream even got Wine running my TP Windozs Apps but
making the move to using as main system is driving me up the wall
PLEASE help, or point me to somewhere that will (I did reg on the forum but
still not got the conf e-mail)
--- First Post ---
Having had a few probs with installs going to the wrong place or been forced to
duel boot (or not I been able to choose my USB HD partion) I turned OFF both
IDE controlers in BIOS to protect my O so fragile WinXp and ran the "install to
harddisk" option from the Flash drive choosing tto install to largest contig
free space on the main USB disk, install failed at the create Ext4 partion and
When I went back to BIOS to turn on the IDE controlers again they were both ON
(yes I did save the settings first time or the USB stick could not have booted)
in disk manager (XP-Pro) I had two new partions on my main drive (Swop and
Ext4) both 240Gb insize any ideas on why / how or more important how to
install to my External USB Hard drive WITHOUT the chance of effecting my main
drives (short of pulling the dam cables)
The Bloke Quote:
My genitals are like a travel version of Linford Christie's
--- Frank Skinner
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