Ubuntu on Mac OSX

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Fri Feb 19 09:23:52 UTC 2010


> Sooo....the question is can I install Ubuntu onto that machine? 

yes. Try sticking "ubuntu macbook" into google ...

or better yet
> network the laptop to my/her desktop Suse 11.0 or Ubuntu (multiple boot) via 
> something like ssh?

Ubuntu and OSX can certainly be connected via a network, I do it all the 
time, but you need to be a bit more specific as to what you want. i.e.

  - Just logging at the command line via ssh

  - Full desktop sharing (vnc and alike)

  - Shared filesystems (NFS, etc.)

All the above work, but are quite different things so you need to say 
more on what you want to happen.


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