reply problem on Thunderbird and this list

Gilles Gravier ggravier at
Wed Feb 17 20:38:20 UTC 2010


On 17/02/2010 23:53, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote, On 02/17/2010 05:34 AM:
>> Hi!
>> On 17/02/2010 12:26, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>> How did you get Thunderbird 3.0 loaded?????
>> Thunderbird 3 is the default mailer on OpenSolaris which is what I am
>> on, at this time (my work laptop).
>> Ubuntu is at home...
>> Gilles.
> OK. Didn't know OpenSolaris had Thunderbird 3 default. I more or less
> got 3 running on my Ubuntu but it didn't use my old from the old
> 2.00 version and it didn't like the complex layout I have on 2.00.
> Is it true that I have to start over new to use thunderbird 3?
> 73 Karl

TBird 3 picks up everything from TBird 2... so normally everything 
should work... It did for me on OpenSolaris... and on Windows. :)

Should behave nicely on Ubuntu as well.


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