Setting up Nvidia Card

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Tue Feb 16 23:38:37 UTC 2010

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:13:43 -0000, Barry Premeaux <bpremeaux at>  

>> Others have replied re your recovery but I thought I would mention an
>> issue that I had setting up my NVidia card.  That is getting the NVidia
>> software, nvidia-settings, to save the xorg.conf file.  If you run it
>> from the menu is isn't running as root and won't save the file.  Open a
>> terminal and sudo nvidia-settings and it will work fine.  If you already
>> know this just ignore me but I wish you had told a while back :-).
> Thanks for the input.  I've got the driver from Nvidia down loaded and
> have also done the repository updates to add the latest drivers.  I
> have EnvyNG and nvidia-settings installed.  Of the three methods I
> have read through, I am debating which might be the best.
> Barry
The one that works :D
Seriously, the only way to find out is try them. What works on one machien  
may not work on another.


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