fstab related boot problem

Graham Watkins shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com
Mon Feb 15 20:48:44 UTC 2010

Xandros Pilosa wrote:
> Hello,
> while you are waiting for other responses:
> Dne 15.02.2010 (pon) ob 18:24 +0000 je Graham Watkins zapisal(a):
>> Tom H wrote:
>>>> I'm having an intermittent boot problem where the system appears to hang
>>>> and I get the following message:
>>>> One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be
>>>> mounted: /home: waiting for 
>> UUID=7x6fcee8-9505-437f-bb29-b9c894041172
> your blkid outpot and fstab antry for /home:
> UUID="7f6fcee8-9505-437f-bb29-b9c894041172
> see the dif.: 7f NOT 7x
>>>> swap waiting for UUID=59a31579-1a6c-46a8-9ecb-7d1679a9943e
> your blkid output has no partition with this UUID
> yet in fstab you have for swap:
> # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
> UUID=3d05177c-33c4-4d4b-9c76-9103ae9384e7       
> which is correct according to blkid output
> # swap was on /dev/sdb7 during installation
> UUID=59a31579-1a6c-46a8-9ecb-7d1b79a9943e
> which apparently does not exist (anymore, maybe?) 
> [snip]    
>>> Please post the outputs of
>>> blkid
>>> blkid -p
>>> cat /etc/fstab
>>> fdisk -l
>>> cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> [snip]
>> graham at graham-desktop:~$ cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>> cat: /boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory
> It might be doe you are not using Grub2, but Grub legacy.
> In this case you can edit
> /boot/grub/menu.lst
> and remove the entry with non existing (second) swap partition (sdb7)
> and double check UUID for /home.
>> Hope this all tells you more than it tells me - although the UUID for 
>> /home appears to match.
> No, it does not - se above.
> Hope it helps a bit. Anyway, waiting for some additional suggestions may
> be useful.
> Regards
Indeed you are correct concerning the UUID for /home. However, I took 
down the UUID in the boot message by hand as I couldn't copy it any 
other way at the time, and transcribed it when the computer later 
decided to boot up properly so it's not impossible that I made an 
error.   I will have to investigate the matter of the second swap partition.

For what it's worth, Palimpsest is now recognising my home partition 

As Steve suggested, I am backing up every day just in case the worst 



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