Hopeless cause

Chris Jones christopher.rob.jones at cern.ch
Mon Feb 15 17:43:55 UTC 2010

On 14 Feb 2010, at 9:48pm, Karl F. Larsen wrote:

> 	I have been reading this list and offering help when I know 
> the answer to the problem. But my answer is moderated by the 
> new system they have, and my help has been between 2 and 4 
> days late on the list. By the time my email arrives either 
> someone else helped, or the person with the problem has given up.

I doubt this is the case (Although at times your help could do with 'moderation'). What is your proof that your emails are all being moderated, other than them arriving late ?

More likely I would guess you have some mis-behalving mail server somewhere that is delaying delivery of your mail, or something similar.

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