Recovered MP3 files have no names

Xandros Pilosa folivora.pilosa at
Mon Feb 15 11:17:23 UTC 2010

Dne 15.02.2010 (pon) ob 11:50 +0100 je Knapp zapisal(a):
> I have 3000 files that were recovered from a HD crash. They now are
> all named things like f43242344.mp3. The songs have their meta data,
> so is there some way to rename the files based on the meta data? Do
> you know of any programs that can do that?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Douglas E Knapp
> Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

one program I know of from experience for this task is EasyTAG:
Menu --> Scaner --> Rename file(s) and Directory


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