g++ setup

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 21:00:08 UTC 2010

John D Lamb wrote:
>> 	I tried all the flags without success. The 10-04 system has 
>> ANSI/ISO Standard C++  and that is that. What does work is 
>> changing code in the program listings.
>> 	My older 9.04 uses Standard C++ and in the program you use 
>> #include<iostream.h> which works fine.
>> 	On 10-04 you need #include<iostream> AND using namespace std;
>> 	It appears no flag can do this.
> To #include<iostream.h> you need a file called "iostream.h", which has
> been deprecated for a while. I guess the following hack would work, but
> I haven’t actually tried it.
> 1. Create a directory, say /home/user/include
> 2. Create a file iostream.h in the directory containing
> #ifndef IOSTREAM_H
> #define IOSTREAM_H
> #include<iostream>
> using namespace std;
> #endif
> 3. Compile with the flag -I/home/user/include
> Then if your C++ header has #include<iostream.h> in it, it should read
> iostream instead and put its definitions in the global namespace.
> Personally I would rather update the C++ code. But I guess it depends on
> on your needs.

	Well I agree. It is simple to change a line and add a line 
when I want to run the older source code. I thank you for your 

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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