gub on EEE PC

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Sat Feb 13 16:13:52 UTC 2010


I have a EEE PC 901 from my friend who runs XP on it for a couple of weeks.
I bought a 16GB card and installed Karmic UNR on it. I decided to put the
grub on my card and not the /dev/sda where XP has its bootloader (I
suppose). I made a backup of the bootloader with dd.

Now I wanted to put the grub bootloader onto /dev/sda but this falis with a
message that he ran out of disk space. Is there a way to do this?

Alain Muls                                      alain.muls at
Rijkenhoekstraat 62                                  +32.477.675091
B3191 Boortmeerbeek                                +32.15.620365
Ubuntu user # 30068
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