Installation problem with kubuntu 9.10 (probably also other 9.10 versions)

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sat Feb 13 04:25:20 UTC 2010

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 23:15, Johnneylee Rollins
<johnneylee.rollins at> wrote:
>>        I Googled your motherboard and as usual, it says windows 7
>> ready. Nothing about Linux. My suggestion would be to try
>> another version of Ubuntu and see if that works. I can't of
>> course do anything without your board. But I think it should work.
> I've never heard of a linux ready motherboard before...
> At least not one that isn't from system76.
> Remember Karl, Windows is the big dog here in PC hardware.
> It makes people more money to say that their hardware works on windows.
> Doesn't mean it doesn't work in linux.

It can... and I've seen it before... "Made for Windows $VER" stamped
on the system and a frustrating time getting any form of Linux on it.

Usually, it's just an issue of bleeding edge hardware without current
Linux support.  The Linux support comes in time, but not right out of
the box...


Stephen Leacock  - "I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue
that I shall some day die, which is not so." -

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