EEE PC Boot from USB

Fred Roller froller at
Fri Feb 12 20:56:37 UTC 2010

Alain Muls wrote:
> Hi
> I borrowed a colleagues EE PC Model 901 which runs Windows XP. I want 
> to boot it from the USB using Ubuntu Netbook Remix on it. I am not 
> able to get to a BIOS menu or something similar.
> The USB key is functional since my system can boot from it without 
> problems.
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Alain Muls                                      alain.muls at 
> <mailto:alain.muls at>
> Rijkenhoekstraat 62                                  +32.477.675091
> B3191 Boortmeerbeek                                +32.15.620365
> Ubuntu user # 30068
I assume you already tried booting without success?

Try hitting the F12 key.  It may give you a boot device option list.  It 
does my AspireOne and number of other note/netbooks.



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