help with the recovery of a head crash with a MS ntfs file system.

J dreadpiratejeff at
Thu Feb 11 22:39:16 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 17:26, Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:

> I have done the research. I am still a newbi at this stuff so I am
> asking first. why dd and not ddrecover?

By the way, I hope you don't think I was implying anything :-)  I
wasn't sure how much you'd found researching, so I wanted to play it
safe and assume you'd found very little.

As for dd, Johnneylee beat me to it.  It's what I get for staring at a
system with 512GB of ram waiting on it to finish scrubbing the RAM so
I can hit a freakin F key... sigh...


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