help with the recovery of a head crash with a MS ntfs file system.

Knapp magick.crow at
Thu Feb 11 22:26:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 11:16 PM, J <dreadpiratejeff at> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 16:38, Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:
>>> Honestly,  In cases like this, your absolute, best option (or more
>>> importantly, your relatives' best option) is to suck it up and find a
>>> good data recovery service and pay a professional to recover the
>>> pictures.
>> That is what I said but they have already gone that route and decided
>> it was to expensive. So it is me or nothing. I was guessing a head
>> crash also. This means if there are no chunks in the drive then making
>> a copy and transmitting it to my other computer is the best way. But
>> what is the best way to do that? Anyway thank!
> In that case, you could start by looking around for data recovery
> software... there are many programs out there...
> Also, you'll need something to plug that drive into a working system.
> See if you can find a HDD - USB adapter.  I have one that works for
> laptop and full sized SATA drives and it works great.
> If you're not familiar with terminals, shells and shell commands,
> now's the time to get learnin'.
> A good place to start, as Johnneylee and I both said, is dd. dd is a
> shell tool that will make a copy, bit by bit of a file or filesystem
> and dump somewhere.
> Here's a quick HowTo:
> good luck!
> Jeff

I have done the research. I am still a newbi at this stuff so I am
asking first. why dd and not ddrecover?

Douglas E Knapp

Open Source Sci-Fi mmoRPG Game project.

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