basic - continued

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Feb 11 13:11:41 UTC 2010

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Rafiq Hajat <ipi.malawi at> wrote:
> Yet another thread..
>> And anyone using gmail *please* show Rafiq how to configure his gmail
>> client to respond to the original threads so that he doen't keep
>> spawning a new thread each time he replies to something?
> Rafiq, please use your Gmail account with thunderbird 3. :-D
> I don't understand this...I usually copy the same subject matter so as
> not to start new threads - I'm using Evolution and it works fine for me.
> Am I missing some esoteric setting here?

Threading is not done by Subject line - it's usually done by  a
References: line in the header of the post. GMail gets this totally
wrong and uses the Subject, which is dire, frankly.

For example,
References: <1265653043.7275.5.camel at aitch-laptop>	<4B70B9C8.3000507 at>
	<01693fec70c4c48a0171e184b4424f0c.squirrel at>

Each time you start a new mail, even if you copy the Subject line into
that message, you're starting a new thread. Gmail will thread it on
subject, so it looks fine to you but for the rest of us, it's a brand
new thread.

Thus, if we look at the message from you, there is no References: line
in the headers so all real email clients decide it's a new thread as
it refers to nothing else. Ergo, new thread.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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