sudo versus #

Thu Feb 11 02:10:57 UTC 2010

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Johnneylee Rollins wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
>>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Rashkae wrote:
>>>> KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Tom H wrote:
>>>> That does not take care of policy-kit however, which is a different
>>>> kettle of fish entirely.  Policy-kit are mostly those windows that have
>>>> an "Unlock" button.  Probably the easiest way to prevent your user
>>>> password from unlocking those is to remove your user from the "Admin'
>>>> Group,, but be certain that your root password, su and gksu are working
>>>> as you expect fist.
>>> That sounds scary, because won't that mean that when I start up Gnome
>>> (er.. it starts up on boot) and log in as my mere user (as I am supposed
>>> to for security reasons) and then fire up terminals that use the
>>> /etc/passwd entry for my mere user to decide start up shell, these
>>> terminals will not be able to jump to root? That's not what I want if
>>> that's the case.  If I am confused, feel free to explain.
>> Or you know, since you don't have have quite as much old school set ways
>> as I first assumed, you can just do it like the cool kids and rely on
>> one password for your user account also acting as super-user password.
>> I'm too drunk to get into more details tonight,, if you do decide to
>> pursue and experiment (really, what have you got to loose), I would
>> suggest not bothering with anythign Karl adds to the discussion...
>> that's my last word of sage suggestions.
> Why is it we're always drunk on Wednesday? Oh and you can always have
> your user have no password requirement for sudo.
> user_name  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

I've been spanked by te FreeBSD folks.  I am not as RTFM deficient as I 
used to be.  You have incompletely understood my "issues," but that is 
perfectly understandable given the current 23 post volume of its girth.

> ~SpaceGhost
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   Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
   (415) 902 5513 cellular

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