Connecting a Wireless Router to a Wired Network

Bill Marcum marcumbill at
Wed Feb 10 21:51:56 UTC 2010

On 2010-02-10, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:
> Folks,
>   What files do I need to tweak to add a wireless router to my 
> network? I have 3 NICs on my firewall eth0 - Internet, eth1 - LAN and 
> eth2 that I want to use as an access point via an AirLink101 AR430W 
> router. I have the information needed to configure the router AFTER I 
> get it connected. I have added it to /etc/network/interfaces and 
> ifconfig shows it correctly. What other areas do I need to look into?
> What I am getting is one of two responses either Firefox can't find it or a 
> message from Apache2 about an Index... no login screen.
The message from Apache2 would mean either something is seriously wrong
with the router, or you're talking to one of the computers on your LAN.
Are you sure you have the correct IP address for the wireless router? Is
it in a different subnet than your other LAN? What is the output of
"route -n"?

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