6 GB of RAM but just 4 working

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 01:26:11 UTC 2010

Wade Smart wrote:
> Steve wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 16:02:50 -0000, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> 	I put in the 4 GB new RAM and have the old 2GB in as well but
>>> for some reason Lucid only says 4 GB on top. I know the old
>>> one might be slower than the new, but not sure that would
>>> cause it to not be seen.
>>> 73 Karl
>> Some boards can only access 4GB (or less depending on age). Check the spec.
> Dont you have to install the server version to access more ram?
> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/
> That is the link I used to get my shuttle to see all my ram. I have 10gb 
> installed and can use up to 16gb. I needed that info above to access 
> above 4gb.
> Wade
	I am using Lucid 64bit software. But still only 4 of 6 GB 
showing on top. I need to read my info on my computer to see 
why. I have 4 plugs for 4 2GB RAM or 8GB total.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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