Why is the file /bin/false so large?

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 17:55:56 UTC 2010

2010/2/9 Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina at gulfsat.mg>:
>> Loïc Grenié <loic.grenie at gmail.com> :
>> #!/bin/sh
>> exit 1
> This will launch one "sh".
> Is it really smaller in footprint?
> I dont know.

   Yes and no, sh/bash/dash is probably already in memory for some
  (many) shell-scripts. Since most of the memory is shared between
  processes (read-only memory of processes and libraries is shared),
  memory footprint won't change much whether you launch this script
  or not.

     Whether this is a sensible idea or not, I leave it to more
  knowledgeable people.


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