basic - continued

Rafiq Hajat ipi.malawi at
Mon Feb 8 13:45:03 UTC 2010

>> What is the best protection programs- i.e., are as good as the best
>> Windows protection (anti-virus, trojans&  etc.) to use?
> For Windows is use AVAST Free Antivirus.  Its really good, the updates
> are free and its not a system resource hog like Norton and not as
> buggy as McAfee.

Useless. No scan on read/write. It is just a scanner.

> There is a Linux version.  I'm thinking about trying it out.
> wonders how it compares to clamav

Or Bit defender???

Rafiq Hajat
Executive Director,
The Institute for Policy Interaction
P. O. Box E14, Post Dot Net ,
Blantyre - Malawi.
Cell: +265 999 968800 

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