No more OOo in UNR 10.04

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Mon Feb 8 13:24:28 UTC 2010

On Mon, 8 Feb 2010 09:11:25 +0100
Knapp <magick.crow at> wrote:

> I know it will not happen but people need to wake up. Companies have
> very bad records of keeping our private data private. They will give
> our data out at the drop of a hat to most government agencies like the
> CIA. They loose data. They get hacked, even Google has been. And they
> just love to sell and trade data by writing very loose user contracts
> that let them (naturally most users don't even read them).

Amen, brother, amen.  My own data will not reside in the cloud except
for some pretty (and pretty innocuous) pictures to share with family
and friends.

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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