No more OOo in UNR 10.04

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Mon Feb 8 13:03:25 UTC 2010

On Mon, February 8, 2010 08:37, Avi Greenbury wrote:

> Lots of people have broadband, too, particularly those who don't mind
> downloading 4GB install images. Why not have a netinstall CD?

If you know enough about Linux to be able to use a netinstall, then why
don't you use Debian? ;-)
No really, Ubuntu needs to keep it simple (KISS principle): only one
install image per arch, and one alternate, that should be enough. We don't
want to confuse new users. And for the techies: it's possible to use the
alt cd for a manual netinstall.

My two eurocents...

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