stopping a netbook from sleeping

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Mon Feb 8 10:15:55 UTC 2010

On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 15:25 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
> Hi all.
> I have a netbook that is acting as a little router. It has the Ubuntu
> Netbook Remix 9.10 on it. I want it to come up at the GDM greeter
> screen,but I do NOT want it to sleep if the lid is closed (or time
> passes or anything else).
> I have set all the gnome preferences. Once I am logged in, they are
> honoured. BUT: If I log out (or never log in) the netbook sleeps if I
> close the lid, and after a certain amount of time passes without any
> keyboard/mouse activity.

This is (I believe) because GDM now acts as it's own 'user' of
sorts...and likewise has it's own settings for things like power
management, theme, screens, etc (hence forth why your power settings are
not honored when not logged in). See below for possible solution:

> Is there any way to tell GDM not to sleep? I've been through all the
> options in gdmsetup and none look useful in this regard.

I'd imagine setting the power settings for the GDM user (similar to the
way one would currently control the GDM theme under then new system)
would get you what you want. so...
     1. log out (get back to to GDM)
     2. ctrl+alt+F2 to a tty terminal, and log in
     3. enter the following:
             1. export DISPLAY=:0.0
             2. sudo -u gdm gnome-control-center
     4. ctrl+alt+F7 back to the GDM should not have a
        Control Center window open
     5. Go to the "System > Power Management" area, and open
        should get the familiar gnome-power-manager window, from which
        you can set your settings for the login window.
     6. When you're done, close the Control Center, go back to the tty
        and logout, then test... It should perform as expected.

Hope that helps!

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