Lucid not stable before end of april

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Feb 8 09:17:17 UTC 2010

Am Sonntag, den 07.02.2010, 13:30 -0700 schrieb Karl F. Larsen:
> > please choose your subjects a bit more careful, if you google 
> > "lucid stable" your post is now the third hit and might confuse users
> > that dont know about the release schedule or what the feature freeze
> > means.
> > 
> 	I know about the release schedule and I know the Alfa release 
> should be unstable and it was. 
right, for you it is stable atm but i personally uploaded a lot of stuff
last week and will continue to do so until feature freeze that will
break the system occasionally you are simply lucky that you are not
using any of my work atm.
the purpose of a development release is to develop it, i'm sure i speak
for all developers if i say we appreciate testing from users but
features that spread across several packages for example will not be
safely to use and perhaps even make your whole system crashy until the
last package in the featureset is uploaded.

i wasnt concerned about your mail content but about the subject, lucid
is unstable and will remain so until april, please dont make others
think its stable by choosing such a subject just because it works for
you today.

i wouldnt have reacted to the thread at all if your subject would have
contained "for me" or "today" for example ;)

> 	Just wondering perhaps we should use 10.04 instead of 10.4 
> when talking about Lucid.
yes, the official naming scheme is to use a zero for the month

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