No more OOo in UNR 10.04

Scott Hayes scott.hayes at
Sun Feb 7 20:32:20 UTC 2010

In the past, the upgrade process upgrades all software that has already
been installed... It will not remove OOo. At least that is the theory.

On Sun, 2010-02-07 at 21:21 +0100, Amedee Van Gasse wrote:

> On 07-02-10 15:20, Scott Hayes wrote:
> > I think that is very important to remember that just because they remove
> > OOo as the default, you can still install it yourself. You are not being
> > "forced" to use Google Docs.
> >
> > I rarely work with the default, I will be installing Gimp, I will be
> > installing OOo, I will install all the tools that I need.
> >
> > I actually agree with these modifications, make it for the average
> > person who either is not strong in Linux or the new Linux user.
> I also agree, and Ubuntu makes it *very* easy to install new software.
> I'm curious, if you do an in-situ upgrade, not a clean reinstall, will 
> 10.04 keep OpenOffice? I'd prefer that an upgrade keeps Openoffice. Just 
> a minor detail though.


Registered Linux User #440474, Ubuntu User #25363 
"The specs said Windows XP or better so I installed Linux"
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