installing XP

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sun Feb 7 19:19:01 UTC 2010

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 14:07, RobertHoltzman <holtzm at> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 07, 2010 at 04:43:42PM -0000, Steve wrote:
>> >
>> If you go to your home folder and view hidden files you will see lots of
>> files with a dot, like .config. These contain your settings/preferences
>> for different programs etc.  If you do remove Ubuntu when you reinstall
>> you can copy the files back into /home and your settings will be
>> reinstalled.
> What about all the program configurations in /etc?

Could be an issue, but most of the user-level configuration stuff in
/home/$USER over-rides anything in /etc anyway.  Now, at the service
level, that's a different story (psotfix, sshd, apache2, etc) but I
get the feeling he's more interested in personal configurations as
opposed to server level configurations in any case.

But yes, /etc IS a valid point and really should also be backed up.


Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach  - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a
day." -

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