Lucid now stable

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Feb 6 13:21:15 UTC 2010

Tom H wrote:
>> Now my 10.4 Lucid 64 bit software is now stable. I
>> took a lot of updates but they were there in the
>> lucid-updates. I may have a Beta version now. By April I will
>> have what you will get d/l the regular 10.4 but I will have
>> used it and enjoyed the new features.
>> I went to the web URL below and got the software for
>> VLC that allows it to play movies from all parts of the world.
>> The version of Ubuntu I got is called
>> "Lucid-desktop-amd64.iso" and it was called the Alfa version.
>> I think a lot of people are doing this because the
>> lucid-updates is quite slow. And they are new as well.
> You cannot have the Lucid beta yet:
> There are so many daily updates that your next post might very well be
> "Lucid now unstable"...
	I do get a lot of updates and so far they have fixed things, 
not broke anything. But the reverse can happen. My message 
really is that I am using Lucid 10.4 every day now and it is 
as nice as 9.04 which I used up to now. I prefer to be on Lucid.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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