FTP lacking file name completion on 9.04

Tero Pesonen ubuntu-users at tpesonen.net
Sat Feb 6 15:54:42 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 15:36 +0000, Graham Todd wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Feb 2010 16:50:46 +0200
> Tero Pesonen <ubuntu-users at tpesonen.net> uttered these words:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I just noticed that the FTP command on my 9.04 will not complete
> > filenames (i.e. by pressing TAB, similar to bash.) On my old SUSE box,
> > FTP does this, making downloading files with long names, hidden behind
> > long paths composed of long and complex directory names, much easier
> > and faster. The man page offers no help. It does talk about filename
> > globbing (disabled by -g), but I don't know what that means -- my
> > dictionary knows no such verb as "to glob."
> > 
> > Can I turn filename completion on somehow, or do I need to recompile
> > FTP with this feature enabled?
> > 
> > Thanks for any ideas!
> > 
> > Tero Pesonen
> > 
> Tero,
> I can't help you about filename completion, but I can about globbing.
> A brief but full explanation of globbing can be found at:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)
> However, glob is an old Unix command which allows you to search for a
> pattern in coding, as in "use the glob *.log to match all those log
> files".
> Many Unix shells incorporate globbing as does the Windows Powershell.

Oh, of course. I've always called this globbing "matching patterns by
regular expressions," or something like that, when used with grep,
LEXers, etc. So that's just another name for the same thing.

Tero Pesonen

GPG KeyID 315FD528

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