Fujitsu S series

q0k q0k.character at
Thu Feb 4 01:24:04 UTC 2010

Maybe any person in this list has a Fujitsu S series laptop at home or
in  a shop? In the latter place, you could buy it, test it, and then
bring it back to the shop before 14  days come out as an "unsatisfied

Happily NVIDIA is on Fujitsu E series and not at S series ...

 I don't know almost single bit about drivers and would like to know
what will work out of the box and what will not. I have some important
information on my computer - I can backup it, but still I would like
the  Ubuntu installation to be predictable. Maybe you try it out  and
say what drivers I need in advance? A video of the installation would
be good because it's without GUI and therefore complicated

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