32 or 64??

Odd iodine at runbox.no
Tue Feb 2 12:14:24 UTC 2010

Steve Lamb wrote:
> On 02/01/2010 06:00 AM, Odd wrote:
>> It's only a google away..
> Actually, it's not.  When it comes to acronyms and Googling often
> times one gets multiple hits.

Yes, but on this one, the one at the top was the right one. If it was an
acronym that was ambiguous, the confusion would have been

> Generally it is good form that the first time you introduce something
> you plan to refer to as an acronym to actually spell it out.  If you
> don't and asked what it means, don't be an ass and tell people to 
> Google it because they might then be left wondering which definition
> you mean.

It wasn't I who introduced it..


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